A healthy person has 1,000 wishes.
The sick person has only one. 

Here are some reviews of those who are taking these supplements and loving the results. 

Before NeoLife, I was a 19yo girl who was wig shopping because I was going bald. I had adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, hyper active thyroid, a weak liver… Emotional stress, a wrecked havoc on my body. After thousands of dollars spent on popular supplement brands, naturopath, and doctors. I finally tried Neolife. 2 weeks after starting the breakfast pack, my hair loss stopped, & 3 months later, tiny new hairs popped out around my head! Since then, NeoLife has supported me having four babies without a relapse! Praise God!! 

I’ve noticed that Neolife helps me quicker recover from sickness. Once I sense there is something on a horizon, I load myself with vitamin C. After a few days I feel much better. And vitamins have given me more energy to get through the day.

I’ve been taking the Cal-Mag and Salmon oil everyday and already feel less fatigue and more energetic! I have about 4 weeks to go before baby is here and so much to do, i love the energy!

I had gained 20lbs over the summer due to the steroids I’ve been on for my eyes. Added to my depression. Im happy to report that since I’ve been on the Neolife, for such a short time, I’ve already lost 4 pounds!

I recently had a kidney transplant and needed a good protein shake. It’s been over a year and NeoLife gave me hope for my health and for the future!

I felt exhausted and always tired with my son. Since a year and a half of NeoLife, I don’t have to take any naps, anymore.

So, here are the things we noticed with pro vitality; helps with acne. Do not get sick as often and when we do, it’s a much shorter duration. Healthy energy levels and regular sleep for our teens and adults. Nicer skin and hair.

I had a chronic cough for 10 years (came on after the DTP shot), and the NeoLife “Herbal Respiratory Formula” finally was the thing that helped!!

Acne has been a challenge since I entered my teens but after just 5 days of pro vitality, it cleared up by 75%!!

Yes NeoLife is great! I started feeling like my stomach just feels better lately (thumbs up emoji) not so much of that bloating feeling. I’m definitely gonna keep on taking them, thank you for sharing them with us!